Monday, June 9, 2014

Unsung Hero

In any situation, there is always that one person who must make the decision as to what next steps will be. If the first steps are wrong or delayed or left out entirely, disastrous consequences can result. It's hard to make up for lost time; sometimes its just impossible. That person is more likely to remain unknown unless things go horribly wrong. This is never more true than with law enforcement. We all hear about the mistakes that officers make. It's a rare thing to hear about the heroics that are played out on a daily basis by the men and women who protect and serve.

We were and are fortunate to have Captain Pete Hughey as the one who makes decisions on the next steps for the officers in the Criminal Investigation Department of the Williamson County Sheriff's Department. In "Walking Between The Raindrops", he is the Maestro who leads; the visionary who knows all the right next steps. He never stops. He never gives up. He always expects the best outcomes.

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